On our website you will find actual bonuses and promo codes for the game Raid: Shadow Legends. Use these codes to upgrade your hero without spending any money!
Raid: Shadow Legends is a free game which is available for PC, iOS and Android, in the turn-based MMORPG genre and in a fantasy setting.
In Raid Shadow Legends there are many heroes, classes and characters. You can fight in PvP (with other players) or take PvE missions. Raid of Shadow Legends is a Free to Play game in which you can speed up the gameplay by real money or using promo codes.
It is very advantageously to register a new account in Raid: Shadow Legends because after that you immediately get silver coins, rubies, weapons and many others. For example RAIDRPG21 – promo code for new players on the character Abbess + 300k silver + 3 chickens on pumping
Valid promo codes and gift codes from the developers of Raid: Shadow Legends allow you to accelerate your progress for free. We have collected actual free promo codes for you on our website.
- PCRAID2022 – Random free rewards (Only available for new accounts)
- KRISKMAS21 – XP, Energy Refills, and more (Only available for new accounts)
- RAIDXMAS21 – XP, Energy Refills, and more (Only available for new accounts)
- TGASALE – Unlock Fayne – Epic champion, 200,000 Silver, 60 Gems, Epic Skill Tome, 10 Greater Spirit Potion, and 15 Arcane Potions
- S1MPLE – 350,000 Silver, 3-Day XP Boost, 4 Energy Refills, and 20 Magic XP Brews
- TGA2021 – XP, Energy Refills, and more (Only available for new accounts)
- realhell – 500 Energy, 1 Million Silver, 2 Epic Book, and 50 Autobattles
- SPOOKY13 – Random free rewards
- MURDERGIFT – 500,000 Silver, 6 Energy Potions, 3-day XP boost, and 3 Multi Battle
- gift1 – Arena tokens, Energy Refills, and more
- ESLPRO – 3 potions and 3 books (Only available for new accounts)
- NINJA – 500,000 Silver, 3 Multi Battle, 3-day XP boost, and 6 Energy Potions
- gullible – Random free rewards
As soon as we find new Raid: Shadow Legends promo codes, we’ll add them to this list. Add the page to your bookmarks in the browser so you don’t miss the codes.
Where to activate Raid: Shadow Legends code
To activate a code in Raid: Shadow Legends you need enter the game then go to the left side menu and find “Promo Codes”. Copy the code from our website and paste it into the appropriate entry field.